
Green Nudge Pledge

We charge for our offerings to stay financially sustainable. However, we also set aside a sum of money from our revenue every quarter to the following environment causes and community groups.

Mangrove Seedlings

(since 2020)

Target: To absorb 1,000,000 kg
of CO2e by 2030
Current: 94,800kg

Providing Meals to Elderly
Cardboard Collectors
(since Sep 2023)

Target: To provide 2,000 meals by 2025
Current: 500

Passing Necessities to
Migrant Workers

Its Raining Raincoats

Target: To provide 100,000
items by 2030

Our Numbers Don’t Lie

As of 31 December 2024


We’ve been busy! Since we started, we have supported and organised:

Icon of a calendar.


Mass Events

Icon of trash in the ocean.



Icon of workshop.


Workshops, Talks & Sharing, Trails & Other Initiatives

Physical Impact

We have collected tons of waste at our engagements, including workshops and cleanups. Of that,


kg of trash was picked up

Icon of a trash bin with organic waste.


kg of peels were composted

Icon of repurposed.


Items were repurposed

Social Impact

Icon of organisation.



Icon of a hand holding a heart with a leaf.


Volunteers and Counting

Icon of green thinking.


Event Participants

A Year In Review

As we boldly step into a new era of #makinggreenthenorm, Green Nudge presents a Year in Review.
Let us work together to encourage a more environmentally and socially responsible society!


Numbers Speak Louder Than Words

Curious to know how you can contribute to the movement?

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